Christianity 201

October 25, 2010

Core Values Determine Our Actions

This is borrowed from David Fisher at Pilgrim Scribblings, who in turn got it from a church web page in Belfast, Northern Ireland.    I like this.  I think it has the potential to say more than the “statement of faith” kind of thing we’re all familiar with…

Our Ethos can be summarized by the following core values:
  • Each Individual is of immense value to God
  • The primary agent for change in an individual’s life is the Holy Spirit working through the Word of God.
  • Authentic, loving relationships are at the heart of true fellowship.
  • Our acceptance with God and with one another is based on the grace of God, not on how well we perform.
  • True holiness lies in our attitude of heart to God rather than in the observance of rules and regulations.
  • Total devotion to Christ and to His cause in this world is the normal way of life for every believer.
  • God has uniquely designed and equipped each member of the church to serve one another.
  • Everything we do should be done as unto the Lord, in faith, to the best of the abilities he has given us.
  • The church must be culturally relevant while remaining doctrinally pure.
  • The church needs godly leadership by those with leadership gifts and accountability for all in leadership.

James 2:18 —  But someone will say, “You have faith; I have deeds.” Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by what I do.  (NIV)

…related… This post reminded me of another one on this blog from April of this year.